Orthopedic Physiotherapy Clinic in Burlington Ontario

What is Orthopedic Physiotherapy?

Orthopedic physiotherapy is a form of physical therapy that treats musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Orthopedic physiotherapy comprises assessment, diagnosis, and management of disorders affecting the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Orthopedic physiotherapists use manual therapy, exercise prescription, and modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and hot/cold therapy to help patients recover from injuries and reduce pain and inflammation. At GoActive Physio clinic, we are a team of certified & trained Orthopedic Physiotherapists offering comprehensive treatment plans for pre-operative care and post-operative rehabilitation.

What are the common Injuries treated under Orthopedic Physiotherapy?

Orthopedic injuries can cause damage to various structures in the body, including bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries can occur due to trauma, overuse, or degeneration, and can result in pain, swelling, restricted movement, and reduced function. Here are the 20 most common orthopedic injuries

  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Sprains and strains
  • Dislocations
  • Torn ligaments (such as the ACL or MCL)
  • Torn tendons (such as the Achilles tendon)
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shin splints.

How does Orthopedic Physiotherapy Treatment work?

Orthopedic physiotherapy works by using a combination of techniques to help restore function and mobility to the musculoskeletal system. The treatment begins with an assessment, in which the physiotherapist evaluates the patient’s condition. The physiotherapists assess the range of motion, strength, and any pain or discomfort the patient might experience. Based on this assessment, the physiotherapist will develop a treatment plan customized to the patient.

Orthopedic physiotherapy treatment typically includes manual therapy techniques, such as massage or joint mobilization, to help reduce pain and improve motions. At GoActive Physio Clinic, Burlington, we create a treatment plan that comprises specific exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Other techniques, such as modalities like ultrasound or electrical stimulation, are also used to reduce pain. Our Orthopedic physiotherapists monitor the patient’s progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed to ensure speedy & complete recovery.

The stages in orthopedic physiotherapy  vary depending on the individual patient and the nature of their injury. However, the general stages in orthopedic physiotherapy include:

Assessment: a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition, including a medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRI scans.

Diagnosis: Based on the assessment, our physiotherapists diagnose the patient’s injury and identify any contributing factors that may affect the course of treatment.

Goal setting: The physiotherapist will work with the patient to establish specific goals for rehabilitation, such as reducing pain, increasing range of motion, or improving strength.

Treatment planning: The physiotherapist will then develop a treatment plan which includes a combination of manual therapy, exercise prescription, and methods such as heat or cold therapy.

Treatment: Treatment plan is executed, here we also monitor the patient’s progress. The physiotherapist may modify the treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal outcomes.

Home exercise program: The physiotherapist may provide the patient with a home exercise program to help reinforce the gains made during therapy and promote ongoing recovery.

Maintenance: Once the patient has achieved their goals, the physiotherapist may provide maintenance therapy to help prevent re-injury and promote long-term health and wellness.

Pain Relief

Effective pain management is an important aspect of orthopedic physiotherapy, as it can help patients regain function and mobility, and improve overall quality of life. Pain is a common symptom of orthopedic injuries and is caused by a variety of factors like inflammation, tissue damage, and nerve irritation. Pain associated with orthopedic injuries can range from mild discomfort to severe and debilitating, and is often felt in the affected area and sometimes referred to other parts of the body. 

The location, severity, and duration of pain provides important diagnostic information for orthopedic injuries. For example, pain localized to a specific joint may indicate a ligament or cartilage injury, while pain that radiates down the leg may indicate a herniated disc or sciatica. Pain can worsen with certain movements or activities can also help identify the underlying injury. Physiotherapy helps relieve pain associated with orthopedic injuries. Our trained physiotherapists educate patients on posture and body mechanics to help reduce stress on the affected area.

Benefits of Orthopedic Physiotherapy

  • Pain relief: Helps reduce pain associated with orthopedic injuries.
  • Improved range of motion: Restore range of motion to affected joints and muscles, which can improve function and mobility.
  • Increased strength and flexibility: Exercises help increase strength and flexibility in affected muscles and joints.
  • Reduced risk of re-injury: Assessment & diagnosis identify and address factors that may increase the risk of re-injury, such as poor posture or muscle imbalances.
  • Improved Balance and Coordination: Orthopedic Physiotherapy helps improve balance and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls and other accidents.
  • Non-invasive treatment: Orthopedic physiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment option that does not involve drugs or surgery, making it a safe and effective option for many patients.

Is Orthopedic Physiotherapy treatment painful?

Orthopedic physiotherapy treatment is not necessarily painful, although some patients may experience moderate discomfort during treatment.

What are the causes of Orthopedic injuries?

There are several factors that can lead to orthopedic injuries, which include traumatic injuries caused by accidents, falls or sports activities. These injuries can result in fractures, dislocations or sprains. Overuse injuries can also be a cause of orthopedic injuries and can develop over time due to repetitive motions, poor techniques, or inadequate rest and recovery. Additionally, degenerative conditions such as arthritis can also contribute to orthopedic injuries. Poor posture, muscle imbalances, and being overweight or obese are other factors that can increase the risk of orthopedic injuries.

What is a typical duration of the Orthopedic Physiotherapy treatment?

Typically, patients attend physiotherapy sessions 1-3 times per week, with each session lasting 30-60 minutes. Generally, patients can expect to receive treatment for several weeks

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